Enrollment for uniandes students
If you are an Universidad de los Andes Undergraduate Student, contact: Enith Tello / etello@uniandes.edu.co / (571) 339 4949 ext. 1172
If you are an Universidad de los Andes School of Management Master Student, contact:
- MBA: Luz Stella Polania / asistentemba@uniandes.edu.co / (57 1) 339 4949 ext. 3844
- Master in Finance – Master in Marketing: María Paula Rincón / gestor-mf-mm@uniandes.edu.co / (57 1) 339 4949 ext. 1171
- EMBA: Aliris Pacheco / dpacheco@uniandes.edu.co / (57 1) 339 4949 ext. 2043
- MEM (MGA) – MDP: María Angélica Fajardo / ma.fajardo73@uniandes.edu.co / (57 1) 339 4949 ext. 1180
Please take into account that UASM Master Students enrollment process will be done through registro.uniandes.edu.co.
If you are an Universidad de los Andes Master Student from a different school, contact: Enith Tello / etello@uniandes.edu.co / (571) 339 4949 ext. 1172
For further information about Registration, Enrollment and Schedule Conflict System (Sistema Conflicto de Horario), please click here.