Research to discuss:
Aasen, M., Thøgersen, J., Vatn, A., & Stern, P. C. (2024). The role of norm dynamics for climate relevant behavior: A 2019-2021 panel study of red meat consumption. Ecological Economics, 218, 108091.
Conferencista: John Thogersen, Is professor of economic psychology at Aarhus University, Denmark, Department of Management, where he coordinates the Marketing and Sustainability Research Group. He is also connected to MAPP – Centre for research on customer relations in the food sector. His research focuses on consumer willingness to reduce their climate footprint, responses to eco- and climate labelling, the establishment
of sustainable lifestyles, and drivers and impediments for energy renovation and for buying organic food. He has published extensively on sustainable consumption in top journals, edited volumes, and recently a mongraph on Edward Elgar. He is a Fellow of IAAP, editor of Journal of Consumer Policy, published by Springer-Nature, and member of several editorial boards, including Journal of Environmental Psychology. He was chair of the International Conference on Environmental Psychology in Aarhus In 2023.