In the final cycle of this year’s International Summer School that was held during July 21 - 31, visiting professor...
The world faces interconnected crises, with the climate emergency being the most prominent. Emerging economies are vulnerable to climate change and have limited capacity to adapt. These countries also have urgent development goals to boost economic growth. The financial sector plays a critical role in mitigating damage from a carbon-intensive economy and in adapting to climate change, driving sustainable and inclusive development. This course helps graduate students understand the nexus between finance and sustainability, enabling them to manage sustainability-related risks and opportunities. Investment opportunities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include sustainable agri-business, renewable energy, and green manufacturing. We will explore emerging opportunities, the business environment in select markets, and complexities in financing climate adaptation and mitigation.
Mumbi Wachira is an Associate Director of Doctoral Academy, Vice Chair PRME Chapter Africa and faculty member at Strathmore University Business School (SBS) and Director of the Doctoral Academy at Strathmore University. She earned her Bachelor and Master of Commerce at Strathmore and her PhD from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2019). Her teaching and research focus on ESG Reporting, Sustainable Finance, Managerial Accounting, and Corporate Fraud. Dr. Wachira leads SBS’s Sustainability Leadership Programmes and consults on embedding sustainability in business models. She is a member of the Kenya Banker’s Association Sustainable Finance working group, advising on climate risk reporting and governance for Kenyan banks. She also serves on the ESG Exchange Technical Committee, guiding ESG disclosures in South Africa’s corporate governance. Dr. Wachira is Vice Chair of the UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN-PRME) Chapter Africa and a member of the Shared Value Africa Initiative Council of 8. She also contributes to the B Academics Global Engagement Committee, representing Africa.
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Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
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