I am an Associate Professor (with tenure) at Universidad de los Andes School of Management, where I am also the Director of the PhD Program in Management and of the Research Master in Management. I have a PhD in Economics and Policy Studies of Technological Change from UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University (the Netherlands) and I did a postdoc at MIT (at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society) and at Singapore University of Technology and Design.
I am an economist interested in innovation and technological change, especially on topics related to economics and management of innovation, technological catching-up and capability upgrading.
I analyze data on patents, technology performance and industry output to analyze the rate and direction of technological innovation and understand its drivers and effects on the economy. I am also interested in studying how to stimulate innovation by applying specific decision-making methods that can reduce uncertainty and push decision-makers and investors to bet on more ambitious projects. This is particularly important for firms located in emerging economies.
I have taught courses related to the management of innovation and of the entrepreneurial process at the undergraduate, master and PhD level, as well as in training courses for entrepreneurs.
Triulzi G.(2024). – Talk at International Joseph Schumpeter Society Conference 2024: «The Evolution of Global Technological Trajectories»
Triulzi G. (2023) – Innovación y Cadenas de Valor. Transformación, Estrategias, Retos y Oportunidades. – Gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento: eslabones, herramientas y tendencias (ISBN 9789587983807). Leer más
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Triulzi G.(2023). – Talk at DRUID 2023: «From Knowledge Flows to Technical Information: Patent Citations as Signal of Technical Interactions»
Triulzi G.(2022). – Invited talk at Inter-American Development Bank BBL Seminar Series «Latin American Coding Bootcamps and In-field Employment: Analysis based on LinkedIn profiles of 1,000 alumni»
Triulzi G.(2022). – Invited talk at Inter-American Development Bank BBL Seminar Series «Technology Improvement Rate Predictions for all Technologies»
Triulzi G.(2022). – Talk in the Brown Bag Seminar Series at Universidad de los Andes School of Management «Patent data mining and Monte-Carlo Cross-Validation. An application to technology performance forecasting»
Park I, Triulzi G, Magee C. (2022) – Tracing the emergence of new technology: A comparative analysis of five technological domains – Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ISSN 0040-1625).
Triulzi G.(2021). – Talk at 18th International Joseph Schumpeter Society Conference, Rome 2021
Triulzi G.(2021). – Talk at Grupo de Investigación en Gestión Publica of Universidad de los Andes School of Management «The Pace of Technological Innovation and Value Creation»
Singh A, Triulzi G, Magee C. (2021) – Technological improvement rate predictions for all technologies: Use of patent data and an extended domain description – Research Policy (ISSN 0048-7333). Leer más
Triulzi G, Alstott J, Magee C. (2020) – Estimating Technology Performance Improvement Rates by Mining Patent Data – Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ISSN 0040-1625). Leer más
Triulzi G, Magee C. (2020) – Functional performance improvement data and patent sets for 30 technology domains with measurements of patent centrality and estimations of the improvement rate – Data in Brief (ISSN 2352-3409).
Triulzi G. – Funding for invited talk at Workshop “Tracking innovation trajectories in the complex economy”. Organizers: University of Turin, Technical University of Turin and Institute for New Economic Thinking. (2019) Leer más
Triulzi G.(2019). – Invited talk at Workshop “Tracking innovation trajectories in the complex economy”. Organizers: University of Turin, Technical University of Turin and Institute for New Economic Thinking
Triulzi G.(2019). – Invited talk at national institution: XII Conference on Frontier Research in Applied Economics
Triulzi G, Magee C. – MISTI grant MIT-Colombia – Universidad de los Andes Seed Fund Leer más
Song B, Yan B, Triulzi G, Alstott J, Luo J. (2019) – Overlay technology space map for analyzing design knowledge base of a technology domain: the case of hybrid electric vehicles – Research in Engineering Design (ISSN 0934-9839). Leer más
Triulzi G.(2019). – Presentation at Chris Magee’s DIG group workshop at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2019
Sharifzadeh M, Triulzi G, Magee C. (2019) – Quantification of technological progress in greenhouse gas (GHG) capture and mitigation using patent data – Energy and Environmental Science (ISSN 1754-5692). Leer más
Triulzi G.(2019). – Talk at European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, SPRU, Brighton, UK
Hu M, Triulzi G, Sharifzadeh M. (2019) – Technological change in fuel cell technologies – Design and Operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (ISBN 978-0-12-815253-9). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Luo J, Triulzi G. (2018) – Cyclic dependence, vertical integration, and innovation: The case of Japanese electronics sector in the 1990s – Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ISSN 0040-1625).
Triulzi G.(2018). – Invited talk at national institution: Workshop on Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Industrial Policy
Benson C, Triulzi G, Magee C. (2018) – Is There a Moore’s Law for 3D Printing? – 3D PRINTING AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING (ISSN 2329-7662). Leer más
Triulzi G, Magee C. – MIT program MISTI-Universidad de los Andes: Studying the Evolution of the Backbone of Technology Development Leer más
Alstott J, Triulzi G, Yan B, Luo J. (2017) – Inventors Explorations Across Technology Domains – Design Science (ISSN 2053-4701). Leer más
Triulzi G, Alstott J, Yan B, Luo J. (2017) – Mapping Technology Space by Normalizing Patent Networks – Scientometrics (ISSN 0138-9130).
Triulzi G, Pyka A, Scholz R. (2014) – R&D and Knowledge Dynamics in University-Industry Relationships in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals: an Agent-Based Model – International Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN 1741-5020).
Bhupatiraju S, Nomaler Ö, Triulzi G, Verspagen B. (2012) – Knowledge flows – Analyzing the core literature of innovation, entrepreneurship and science and technology studies – Research Policy (ISSN 0048-7333).
Triulzi G, Pyka A. (2011) – Learning-by-Modeling: Insights from an Agent-Based Model of University-Industry Relationships – Cybernetics and Systems (ISSN 1087-6553).
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Proyecto de Consultoría y Consultoría
Nombre del proyecto: Proyecto Reedición Estrategia de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación del Grupo Empresarial Ecopetrol
Año: 2020
Financiador principal: Ecopetrol
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Código postal: 111711
(601) 332 4144
Línea de información nacional
018000 123 300
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Código postal: 111711
(57 601) 332 4144
Línea nacional
01800 123 300
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
© – Derechos Reservados Universidad de los Andes