In the final cycle of this year’s International Summer School that was held during July 21 - 31, visiting professor...
The only School of Management in Colombia with the Triple Accreditation recognition

For high-potential start-ups, one of the biggest challenges is deciding how to grow. The course Entrepreneurial Growth provides tools and insights to help you scale ventures in fast-changing marketplaces. Drawing on strategy, history, entrepreneurial finance, and organizational behavior, students will examine critical dilemmas that span the lifecycle of entrepreneurial ventures. Focusing on companies that have already achieved product-market fit and are ready for scale and impact, we explore how to unite people for growth, involve investors without losing control over mission, use financial planning tools to organize different resource providers, and evaluate exit dilemmas. We discuss the “fit” of different scaling strategies with their institutional and cultural environment, challenging the idea of a one-size-fits-all ideal. Rather than promoting growth at all cost, we debate scaling strategies that prioritize local embeddedness and long-term success.
Christina Lubinski holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Goettingen (2009). She is Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School and currently a visiting professor at USC’s Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies where she leads its entrepreneurship and humanities initiative. Prior to joining CBS, she was a Newcomen fellow at Harvard Business School and a visiting fellow at Universitat de Barcelona. Christina studies entrepreneurial imagination and action over time and has published in leading journals in both management and business history. She has won several teaching awards for her in-class and online course development.
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Calle 21 No. 1-20
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01800 123 300
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Copyright © Universidad de los Andes. All rights reserved