Global Village
is a leadership program organized by The Lacocca Institute at Lehigh University (Pennsylvania, United States). The school finances the participation of undergraduate students for more than 15 years.
In 2022, the Global Village was offered in a virtual and in person format for 5 weeks, more than 80 students, professionals and businessmen from more than 35 countries met. The participants had the opportunity to develop leadership skills and business knowledge, which allowed them to face global challenges in changing environments, working collaboratively with various sectors, disciplines, and cultures.
Since its creation in 1997, more than 38 Colombian students have participated in this experience. Of these students, 16 have been financed by the school. Students could live and work within a truly global community by carrying out consulting projects for various international organizations, participating in leadership and community service workshops, and mentoring spaces with professors, businessmen, and global leaders.
This experience allows meet new cultures and build a global network of colleagues, mentors, and global friends for life, while promoting in the villagers a new vision of what leadership means in the future.