Professor Ximena Rueda has a Ph.D. in Geography (Clark University) and a Master in Urban Planning (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). She was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Planetary Sciences (Stanford University) and has been a visiting professor at the Center for Food Security and the Environment at Stanford University.
Her research focuses on the impact of globalization on land use, with special emphasis on tropical agricultural commodities. She is currently working to understand how companies make sustainability investment decisions and the impacts of such decisions on communities and ecosystems. She has over twenty years of experience in rural development and environmental conservation in Latin America.
She is Senior Research Fellow EfD
Año: 2007
Universidad: Clark University
País: Estados Unidos
Tipo de Título: Doctoral degree
Año: 1997
Universidad: Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
País: Estados Unidos
Tipo de Título: Master degree
Año: 1994
Universidad: Universidad De Los Andes, Colombia
País: Colombia
Tipo de Título: Master degree
Año: 1992
Universidad: Universidad De Los Andes, Colombia
País: Colombia
Tipo de Título: Bachelor degree
Gonzalez C, Rodewald A. D., Arcese P, Bennet R, Hernandez-aguilera J, Rueda X, Gomez M, Wilson S. (2024) – EFFECT OF LOCAL HABITAT AND LANDSCAPE ATTRIBUTES ON BIRD COMMUNITIES IN SHADE COFFEE PLANTATIONS IN THE COLOMBIAN ANDES – Global Ecology and Conservation (ISSN 2351-9894). Leer más
Marx A, Depoorter C, de S, Vema R, Araoz M, Auld G, Bemelmans J, A. E, Boonaert E, Brandi C, Dietz T, Fouilleux E, Grabs J, Lars H., Harrison J, Heilmayr R, Hernandez A, Hoekman B, Lambert S, Lambin E, Maertens M, Mortara P, Michida E, Nakagawa J, Negi A, Pérez-Pineda J, Ponte S, Rueda X, Schleifer P, Thorstensen V, Van H. (2024) – Global governance through voluntary sustainability standards: Developments, trends and challenges – Global Policy (ISSN 1758-5880). Leer más
Antonelli A, Rueda X, Calcagno R, Nantongo P. (2024) – How biodiversity credits could help to conserve and restore nature – Nature (ISSN 0028-0836). Leer más
Rueda X. (2023) – A systematic comparison of deforestation drivers and policy effectiveness across the Amazon biome – Environmental Research Letters (ISSN 1748-9326).
Rueda X. – Exploring the Impacts of Alternative Trading Practices on Smallholder Cocoa Farmers’ Well-being in Ecuador: A Capabilities Approach Analysis
Rueda X. – The Mine, The Cave, and the Silent Seas: Unveiling the Symbolic Power of Contemporary Vietnamese Environmental Movements (2008 – 2022)
Rueda X, Middendorp R, Puerto S. . (2023) – The role of collective action in the cacao sector in enhancing sustainability, market upgrading and agro-biodiversity conservation – Environmental Research Letters (ISSN 1748-9326). Leer más
Rueda X. (2022) – Base of the Pyramid Markets in Latin America: Innovation and Challenges to Sustainability Leer más
Rueda X. – E-Commerce and Economic Development in the Colombian Coffee Growing Industry
Moros L, Rueda X, Puerto S. . (2022) – How can economic incentives designed for environmental conservation support a transition to sustainable and equitable agriculture? Leer más
Rueda X. (2021) – Base of the Pyramid Markets in Affluent Countries: Innovation and challenges to sustainability Leer más
Garret R, Rueda X. (2021) – Have food supply chain policies improved forest conservation and rural livelihoods? A systematic review – Environmental Research Letters (ISSN 1748-9326). Leer más
Rueda X. (2021) – Spatialising illicit commodity chains: Comparing coffee and cocaine – Area (ISSN 0004-0894).
Rueda X. (2020) – Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa: Innovation and Challenges to Sustainability Leer más
Rueda X. (2020) – Base of the Pyramid Markets in Asia: Innovation and Challenges to Sustainability Leer más
Rueda X. (2020) – Field evidence for positive certification outcomes on oil palm smallholder management practices in Colombia – Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN 0959-6526). Leer más
Middendorp R, Rueda X, Lambin E. (2020) – Improving smallholder livelihoods and ecosystems through direct trade relations: High-quality cocoa producers in Ecuador – Business Strategy and Development (ISSN 25723170). Leer más
Rubiano M, Rueda X, Velez M. (2020) – Minería de oro artesanal y de pequeña escala: Estrategias para su formalización y diferenciación de la minería ilegal Leer más
Garret R, Rueda X. (2019) – Telecoupling and Consumption in Agri-Food Systems – Telecoupling Exploring Land-Use Change in a Globalised World (ISBN 978-3-030-11105-2). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Rueda X, Velez M, Moros L, Rodriguez L. (2019) – Beyond proximate and distal causes of land-use change: linking Individual motivations to deforestation in rural contexts – Ecology and Society (ISSN 1708-3087).
Garret R, Levy S, Carlson K, Milder J, Rueda X. (2019) – Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments – GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS (ISSN 0959-3780). Leer más
T. Mitchell Aide, H. Ricardo Grau, Rueda X. (2019) – Woody vegetation dynamics in the tropical and subtropical Andes from 2001 to 2014: satellite image interpretation and expert validation – Global Change Biology (). Leer más
Nelson V, Rueda X, Vermeulen J. (2018) – Challenges and Opportunities for the Sustainability Transition in Global Trade – Business Strategy and the Environment (ISSN 1099-0836). Leer más
Rueda X, Velez M, Puerto S. . (2018) – El rol del Estado en la gobernanza social y ambiental empresarial – Gobernanza y Gerencia del Desarrollo Sostenible (ISBN 9789587747485).
Capítulo de Libro
Hernandez-aguilera J, Gomez M, Rodewald A. D., Rueda X. (2018) – Quality as a Driver of Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains: The Case of the Relationship Coffee Model – Business Strategy and the Environment (ISSN 1099-0836). Leer más
Rueda X.(2018). – SESYNC Synposium-Boundary: “How Globalization of agricultural trade and rural livelihoods”
Rueda X, Paz A, Gibbs-Plessl, Theodora, Leon, R, Moyano B, Lambin E. (2018) – Smallholders at a Crossroad: Intensify or Fall behind? Exploring Alternative Livelihood Strategies in a Globalized World – Business Strategy and the Environment (ISSN 1099-0836). Leer más
Jeff J, Zuluaga L, Bailey A, Rueda X. (2018) – Sustainable supply chain management in developing countries: An analysis of the literature – Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN 0959-6526).
Rueda X, Garret R, Lambin E. (2017) – Corporate investments in supply chain sustainability: Selecting instruments in the agri-food industry – Journal of Cleaner Production (ISSN 0959-6526).
Velez M, Rueda X, Moros L, Guerrero A, Link A. (2017) – Recomendaciones para el diseño e implementación de incentivos para la conservación en paisajes agrícolas Leer más
Mendez C .(2017). Transformación productiva y fortalecimiento de capacidades: el caso del agro-negocio de marañón en Vichada, Colombia. – Transformación productiva y fortalecimiento de capacidades: el caso del agro-negocio de marañón en Vichada, Colombia Leer más
Eakin H, Rueda X, Mahanti A. (2017) – Transforming Governance in Telecoupled Food Systems – Ecology and Society (ISSN 1708-3087).
Garret R, Carlson K, Rueda X, Noojipadi P. (2016) – Assessing the potential additionality of certification by the Round table on Responsible Soybeans and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil – Environmental Research Letters (ISSN 1748-9326).
Rueda X. – Business Benefits of Sustainability Standards
Rueda X. (2016) – Globalización y sistemas socio-ecológicos tropicales: efectos del mercado diferenciado de café sobre los productores y los ecosistemas locales en el trópico andino colombiano – NATURALEZA Y SOCIEDAD PERSPECTIVAS SOCIO-ECOLÓGICAS SOBRE CAMBIOS GLOBALES EN AMERÍCA LATINA (ISBN 978-9972-51-609-2). Leer más
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Guhl A, Altesor A, Hofstede R, Rueda X, Paruelo J, Moreno A, Aguayo M. (2016) – LAND – GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL OUTLOOK GEO 6 REGIONAL ASSESSMENT FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (ISBN 978-92-807-3546-8). Leer más
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Milder J, Newsom D, Lambin E, Rueda X. (2016) – Measuring impacts of certification on biodiversity at multiple scales: experience from the SAN/Rainforest Alliance system and priorities for the future
Velez M, Rueda X, Moros L, Guerrero A, Link A. (2016) – Paisajes productivos sostenibles: Diseño de un sistema de incentivos para la conservación en el piedemonte Amazónico
Rueda X. (2015) – Eco-certification enhances tree cover in the Colombian coffee landscapes – Regional Environmental Change (ISSN 1436-3798).
Rueda X. – Formal versus informal sustainability initiatives: a comparison between third-party certification and first-party sustainability innovations to promote sustainable land use and livelihoods Leer más
Byerlee D, Rueda X. (2015) – From Public to Private Standards for Tropical Commodities: A Century of Global Discourse on Land Governance on the Forest Frontier – Forests (ISSN 1999-4907). Leer más
Rueda X. – Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Colombian Agricultural Sector Leer más
Rueda X. (2015) – The geography of food production and land use in a globalized economy – The Evolving Sphere of Food Security (ISBN 978-0-19-935406-1).
Capítulo de Libro
Rueda X. – Value chains for sustainability: evidence from Ecuador and Colombia
Rueda X. – “Investing in Sustainability: Impacts of Coffee Certification on Smallholders and their landscapes”
Rueda X, Lambin E. – Chocolate Cities: Cosmopolitan consumers and the fate of cacao landraces Leer más
Rueda X. (2014) – Eco-certification and coffee cultivation enhance tree cover and forest connectivity in the Colombian coffee landscapes – Regional Environmental Change (ISSN 1436-3798).
Rueda X. (2014) – Effectiveness and synergies of policy instruments for land use governance in tropical regions – GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS (ISSN 0959-3780).
Rueda X, Lambin E. (2014) – Global agriculture and land use changes in the 21st century: Achieving a balance between food security, urban diets and nature conservation – The Evolving Sphere of Food Security (ISBN 978-0-19-935406-1). Leer más
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Eakin H, Defries R, Kerr S, Rueda X. (2014) – Significance of Telecocoupling for Exploration of (Sustainable) Land Use Change – Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era (ISBN 9780262026901). Leer más
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Rueda X. (2014) – Significance of Telecoupling for Exploration of Land-Use Change – Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era (ISBN 9780262026901). Leer más
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Rueda X. (2013) – “Globalization’s unexpected impact on soybean production in South America: linkages between preferences for non-genetically modified crops, eco-certifications, and land use” – Environmental Research Letters (ISSN 1748-9326).
Rueda X. (2013) – “Linking globalization to local land uses: how eco-consumers and gourmands are changing the Colombian coffee landscapes” – World Development (ISSN 0305-750X).
Rueda X. (2013) – Responding to Globalization: Impacts of Certification on Colombian Small-Scale Coffee Growers – Ecology and Society (ISSN 1708-3087).
Rueda X. – Shopping for sustainability: What drives corporate investments in sustainable food production?” Leer más
Rueda X. – Can your morning coffe the face of the planet? Evaluating the impacts of eco- labeling on the Colombian coffe landscapes
Rueda X, Ortiz J. (2010) – “Informe Final: cadenas de valor compartido: cacao y copoazú en Caquetá y Putumayo y asaí en Guaviare”
Rueda X. (2010) – “Understanding deforestation in the southern Yucatan: insights from a sub-regional, multi-temporal analysis” – Regional Environmental Change (ISSN 1436-3798).
Rueda X. (2007) – Landscapes in transition: Forest-cover change, conservation, and structural adjustment in the southern Yucatán Leer más
Rueda X. (2001) – “Metodología para la sistematización de experiencias en transferencia de tecnología de las organizaciones no-gubernamentales del sector rural
Rueda X. (1998) – Decentralizing the Global Environmental Facility to improve its performance
Capítulo de Libro
Rueda X. (1995) – “La transmisión de los precios externos a los mercados domésticos en la agricultura colombiana 1970-1992” – PLANEACION Y DESARROLLO (ISSN 0034-8686).
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Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
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