Líderes de sectores empresariales, tecnológicos y académicos se reunieron en la Universidad de los Andes para discutir posibles soluciones a...
This is the summarized version of the course syllabus
The course (Cultural Branding Strategies) main objective is to develop an understanding of the specificities of the cultural approach to brands. The course analyzes how a cultural strategy may help to market values, narratives and codes in order to create economic value. It also questions traditional approaches to marketing and branding by showing that brands create culture rather than merely adapting themselves to existing cultural schemes.
The seminar is based on a semiotic and anthropological perspective to understand how brands are built and to analyze how brands can use, produce and market cultural iconicity.
Benoît Heilbrunn is Full Professor of marketing and branding at ESCP Europe and the scientific director of the «Marketing and Communication» specialized master. He holds a PhD in Marketing from the Paris – Dauphine University and INSEAD (2003), and has studied philosophy, semiotics and marketing.
Moreover, he is Assistant Professor at the IFM (French Institute of Fashion). He has published more than 10 books and 50 articles on consumption, branding and design management. During his professional career, he has participated as marketing and branding consultant for various companies.
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
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(601) 332 4144
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018000 123 300
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Código postal: 111711
(57 601) 332 4144
Línea nacional
01800 123 300
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
© – Derechos Reservados Universidad de los Andes