
My teaching focuses on leadership, change management, business ethics and corporate responsibility, and participant centered learning pedagogy (prepare faculty to case teaching)

María Consuelo Cárdenas has a Ph.D. in Mental Health Services Administration from the University of Massachusetts.

Jaime Alberto Ruiz holds a degree in Industrial Engineering, and a master’s in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.

My teaching focuses on leadership, change management, business ethics and corporate responsibility, and participant centered learning pedagogy (prepare faculty to case teaching)

Alejandro Sanz holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts.

Enhance your professional profile with a program that adapts to your needs.

Deepen your research skills in the multidisciplinary field of management.

General Information Faculty in this group conduct research in the areas of management, organizational theory and behaviour, ethics, and social…