German García Niño
- Gestor Laboratorio de Finanzas y Mercados
- Ext: 2356
Inicio » Universidad de los Andes School of Management » Services and resources » Finance and Markets Laboratory
Data that adds value
The objective of the laboratory is to support the generation and appropriation of knowledge through workshops, subscriptions to specialized databases, online certifications, and a research seedbed in finance.
The laboratory offers a range of workshops on different topics in finance and markets to develop practical skills that will be useful in both academic and professional life.
The stock market workshops are open to the general public and provide the necessary tools to learn about the financial market and develop practical investment skills.
Teachers have market experience or their own positions, solid professional backgrounds, and international experience.
Upcoming basic workshops, intermediate and advanced workshops in: trading, technical analysis, candlesticks, fundamental analysis, Python for finance, derivatives, valuation, and blockchain, among others.
You will learn how to use specialized databases: Bloomberg, Refinitiv, EMIS, Passport, Marketline, Legiscomex, and Crossborder, to conduct market research that you can use in marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship, and international business courses, among others.
You will also learn how to use these databases, with a specific industry case, to find current, historical, timely, and relevant information in finance, capital markets, mass consumption and manufacturing industry, strategy, and economy, among other areas.
Currently, the workshops are only available to Universidad de los Andes students.
I requested here a group training for specialized databases.
The laboratory has specialized databases subscribed by the Universidad de los Andes and the School of Management in finance, capital markets, mass consumption and manufacturing industry, strategy, and economics, among others. Available for students, professors, and administrative staff of the Universidad de los Andes.
Bloomberg covers all stock markets: equities (Equity), sovereign fixed income (Govt), corporate fixed income (Corp), commodities (Comdty), currencies (Curncy), indexes (Index), statistics, and macroeconomic projections. Includes face-to-face seminars in Bogota.
Refinitiv Workspace provides access to exclusive and reliable industry-leading data, information and news, covering different types of markets such as Equities, Fixed Income, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, Indices, and Benchmarks. It also covers funds, derivatives and options, adding different types of analytics, calculators and tools. Additionally, it integrates with the largest and most robust database in the world called Datastream.
Topics from Bloomberg y Refinitiv
These databases can be accessed at the Finance and Markets Laboratory (SD1001).
It contains the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow) of four (4) million companies from emerging countries (in the case of Colombia, it contains 200 thousand companies), industry reports, macroeconomic data by country, business news, and sectorial and global news.
Uniandes Libraries / Information search / Electronic resources / EMIS
Global database for analysis of global mass consumer markets from a market research perspective. Industries: Appliances and electronics, drinks, food and nutrition, health and beauty, home products, luxury and fashion, nicotine, and cannabis, services, B2B. Countries: business dynamics, economy, finance, trade, sustainability. Consumers: households, income and expenditure, lifestyles, population.
Global manufacturing industries database, from a strategy perspective. Industry: market overview, data, segmentation and outlook, five forces analysis. More than 100,000 companies: overview, profile, financials, news, peers, research reports, deals, SWOT analysis. Countries: overview, key facts, geographical locations, PESTLE analysis.
Database of foreign trade statistics (imports and exports) since 2009 from 17 countries in the Americas and 28 in Europe. Logistics, customs, geographic, quantity, company, product, regime and modality, values, economic, and transportation variables are included.
Foreign direct investment database. Projects and Deals. Geography (source and destination). Industry (investor/acquiror, project/target industry). Company, value, time period, status, projects, deals.
How to consult specialized databases:
Uniandes Libraries System / Information Search / Electronic Resources / (select database)
The databases have all rights reserved and are for academic use only. The passwords are personal and non-transferable. Misuse may result in academic and criminal sanctions.
With the institutional email, students of the Universidad de los Andes can certify online in Bloomberg Market Concepts and Refinitiv Workspace Foundational Certificate.
BMC is a self-paced e-learning course that provides an interactive introduction to the financial markets. BMC consists of 3 sections — Core Concepts (includes four modules – Economic Indicators, Currencies, Fixed Income, Equities), Getting Started on the Terminal, and Portfolio Management. The sections are woven together from Bloomberg data, news, analytics, and television.
Refinitiv Workspace Foundational Certificate
Getting started (8), News (1), Charting (1), Company analysis (6), Industry analysis (4), Data retrieval: Microsoft excel tools (1), Data retrieval: Microsoft excel tools (office 365 version) (1), Data retrieval: APIs (1).
The Research Seminar aims to promote interaction between professors in finance and students of the School of Management of the Universidad de los Andes, to develop skills related to the development of scientific research in finance.
More information: Yeny E. Rodríguez Ramos Ph.D. – Professor of Finance:
Throughout the semester, the laboratory offers lectures, conferences, and seminars on capital markets, updating specialized databases and relevant current issues by guests from the market, suppliers, and academia.
Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
New service: Finance and Markets Laboratory Reservations!
The laboratory can be used for group work (classes, workshops, tutorials) Monday through Friday from 6:00 p.m. onwards and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.
Whoever makes a reservation for the use of the laboratory must contribute to the care of the physical facilities and use the services offered by the University appropriately and according to the institutional regulations adopted for this purpose.
Reservations must be made one week in advance and are subject to prior reservations from the School of Management.
Finance and Markets Laboratory
Tel. (57 601) 339 4949 Ext. 1167 / 2356
Edificio Julio Mario Santo Domingo (SD)
Calle 21 No 1 – 20. 10th floor. SD1001
think-cell is an add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel, which helps them to create complex charts such as Marimekko, Gannt, and Cascades. Besides providing tools for maintaining agendas with PowerPoint presentations, think-cell is widely known primarily in the consulting industry, where professional graphics are a significant added value. Our students can install think-cell on their personal computers free of charge. Please contact the IT department to obtain the license key and visit the official website for more information on the features.
(Disponibles en Sala de Investigación SD1001)
EMIS (Emerging Markets)
(Uniandes | Sistema de Bibliotecas | Base de datos en línea)
Orbis Crossborder
(Disponibles en Sala de Investigación SD1001)
Passport (Euromonitor)
(Uniandes | Sistema de Bibliotecas | Base de datos en línea)
Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC)
Thomson Reuters Eikon
(Disponibles en Sala de Investigación SD1001)
Los talleres están abiertos para la comunidad estudiantil de Uniandes. Por semestre se ofrecen varios talleres. Una vez termine el taller, los estudiantes podrán realizar las certificaciones en el laboratorio SD1001. Se aplicará el reglamento de estudiantes en caso de fraude, copiar las preguntas y respuestas, realizar el examen en parejas o grupos.
El Consultorio Financiero es un servicio de apoyo académico a los estudiantes que necesiten resolver dudas sobre conceptos financieros, orientación para resolver ejercicios y desarrollar habilidades para usar eficientemente los sistemas de información financiera. Temas generales: contabilidad financiera, planeación financiera, mercado de capitales, derivados, opciones reales, valoración de empresas.
(Disponibles en Sala de Investigación SD1001)
Las bases de datos tienen todos los derechos reservados y son de uso exclusivamente académico. Las claves son personales e intransferibles. Su mala utilización puede acarrearle sanciones académicas y penales. Ver reglamentos de propiedad intelectual (derechos de autor) de la Universidad de los Andes.
Por su carácter investigativo, el laboratorio no presta servicios para consultar redes sociales, correo electrónico, internet, ni hacer trabajos. Por favor diríjase a Salas públicas de micros de la Universidad de los Andes.
Gracias al convenio con HBSP, la Facultad de Administración tiene acceso a más de 20.000 casos de las mejores escuelas alrededor del mundo.
Cómo solicitarlos:
Enviar un correo a: con los siguientes datos (exclusivo para profesores Facultad de Administración):
A vuelta de correo recibirá los hipervínculos.
Germán García Niño
Gestor Sala de Investigación
Nubia Esperanza González y William Fernando Mesa
Auxiliares Sala de Investigación
Edificio Julio Mario Santo Domingo (SD)
Calle 21 No 1 – 20. Piso 10. SD1001
Tel. 339 49 49 Ext. 1167 o 2356
Nuestros Estudiantes pueden instalar en sus computadores personales think-cell de manera gratuita, think-cell es un complemento para Microsoft PowerPoint y Excel, que les ayuda a crear gráficos complejos como Marimekki, Gannt y Cascadas, además de proporcionales herramientas para mantener agendas con presentaciones de PowerPoint. think-cell es ampliamente conocido especialmente en la industria de consultoría donde los gráficos profesionales son un valor agregado valioso. Pueden contactar al departamento de IT para obtener la clave de licencia y visitar el sitio oficial para mayor información sobre las características.
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Postal code: 111711
(601) 332 4144
Línea de información nacional
018000 123 300
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Código postal: 111711
(57 601) 332 4144
Línea nacional
01800 123 300
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Copyright © Universidad de los Andes. All rights reserved