- On campus
- Bogotá
- Start date: August / NA 2024
- 2 days a week from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday mornings or afternoons
- 18 months / 42 credits
- COP $1,750,000 (Credit value 2023)
Inicio » Programs » Graduate degrees » Master in Marketing » What you will learn
Lead organizations' marketing strategy in disruptive environments by generating change that impacts society.
Our students learn about marketing theory according to current knowledge in the different topics and compare what they have learned with practice through different pedagogical approaches. This allows them to connect their learning with their work environments. This program, consistent with the university and the school, is committed to developing leaders who promote sustainable innovation processes in organizations and positively impact all areas of society.
The Master’s Degree in Marketing is developed on a diverse set of dynamic methodologies suitable for achieving the learning objectives of the program and each of the courses. The various methodologies stimulate the student’s sense of responsibility for developing his/her learning.
Students have the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art technology in data analysis in support of decision-making.
They focus on theoretical approaches that professors enrich with examples, thus enhancing students’ understanding of the subject matter.
Both national and international case studies are conducted, allowing the student to cover different areas of the organization under real situations through interaction with peers and professors, developing critical and analytical thinking and communication, argumentation, and persuasion skills.
Knowledge is acquired through questioning and engaging in a specific problem so that the student incorporates it into his/her mental structure. This methodology transfers previous learning to new situations.
Through practical exercises, we facilitate the strengthening of the participant’s abilities and skills in specific topics.
In the different courses, students are challenged to search for information, analyze concepts and make decisions, thereby incorporating research methodologies into management processes.
Expose participants to the exercise of generating a strategy and designing the different mechanisms and tools to advance and control its execution. The student understands and assesses the risks inherent in the decision-making process. Management simulation software allows for effectively integrating and considering most of the areas of an organization, their interrelationships, and complexities at the time of implementing a strategy.
These updating spaces aim to draw on the knowledge and experience of professors, business leaders, guilds, and recognized experts to complement the training process.
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Menos es más en la comunicación a shopper en el PDV.
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El marketing actual y su dependencia hacia la tecnología y los datos.
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Marketing Xpress Session : Customer Xperience - Un buen servicio ya no es suficiente
Administración Uniandes May 4, 2023 07:10
InteligencIA: ¿Cómo potenciar tu trabajo en mercadeo con Inteligencia Artificial?
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A.I. en Investigación de mercados: oportunidad o amenaza
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El metaverso, bebé embustero: Primer estudio latinoamericano del consumidor hacia el metaverso
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El valor de las marcas y el caso de Banco de Bogotá como una de las marcas más valoradas
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Insights de Investigación de Mercados en Colombia y en el Mundo.
Administración Uniandes May 10, 2022 19:16
Casos actuales de Data Mining & Business Intelligence en Retail
Administración Uniandes March 17, 2022 19:09
Marketing Xpress Session: Comercio electrónico, pasado, presente y futuro
Administración Uniandes November 17, 2021 19:00
Marketing Xpress session: ¿Cómo la industria aborda el desafío del nuevo etiquetado de alimentos?
Administración Uniandes October 19, 2021 19:28
Marketing Xpress Session: Presente y futuro de las Comunicaciones de Marketing
Administración Uniandes May 26, 2021 19:06
Marketing Xpress Session: El valor social del mercadeo
Administración Uniandes May 19, 2021 19:08
Marketing Xpress Session: "Vender un país no es lo mismo que vender papas fritas“
Administración Uniandes April 22, 2021 18:54
Marketing X-Pression session: ¿A que suena el café de Colombia?
Administración Uniandes March 11, 2021 18:45
Marketing X-Pression session: Desafíos del Retail Moderno en la era COVID-19
Administración Uniandes March 4, 2021 19:19
Marketing X-Pression session: Propuesta Estrategia Online como respuesta al cambio del entorno
Administración Uniandes February 23, 2021 18:57
Private video
Administración Uniandes April 6, 2022 16:25
Private video
Administración Uniandes April 6, 2022 16:25
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Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
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01800 123 300
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
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