La única Facultad de Administración en Colombia con el reconocimiento de la triple corona de acreditación

Simon Turner is Associate Professor, and Director of the Organizations Area, in the School of Management, University of los Andes, Colombia. Prior to joining Uniandes, Simon was Senior Lecturer in Health Policy and Organisation at the University of Manchester. He has held post-doctoral research positions at University College London, King’s College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and University of Cambridge (where he remains a research associate in the Centre for Business Research). His research interests lie in the application of social science theory and methods to the study of the organization and improvement of public services, particularly health care. He was until recently a principal investigator of a nationally-funded study on the coordination of change in response to Covid-19 within the Colombian health system. His research has been published in international journals such as Public Management Review, Public Administration, Social Policy & Administration, Social Science & Medicine, Sociology of Health & Illness, and Implementation Science. He is currently associate editor of PLOS ONE (Q1 JCI, Clarivate). He teaches organization theory at undergraduate and postgraduate levels within the faculty.
Turner S. (2024) – Read this somewhere before? A critical perspective on mobilizing evidence for improvement via communities of practice in urgent contexts – Research Evaluation (ISSN 0958-2029).
Turner S, Fernandez DP. (2024) – Strengthening Health Workforce Well-Being: Lessons for research from the COVID-19 Pandemic Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Turner S, Wright J. (2024) – What Role Does Social Equity Play in Resilient Public Management? Implementing “Lockdown” Measures in Response to Covid- 19 in Australia and Colombia – Social Equity and Public Management Theory A Global Outlook (ISBN 9781032686288). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Turner S, Fernandez DP. (2024) – “Everything was much more dynamic”: temporality of health system responses to Covid-19 in Colombia – PLoS One (). Leer más
Turner S, Schorch S L, Fernandez DP, Garcia N. (2023) – Public leadership of Covid-19: documentary analysis of the role of the mayor’s office in shaping policy responses in Bogotá, Colombia – Research Handbook on Public Leadership (ISBN 978 1 78643 966 6). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Canal M, Turner S, Martin L. (2022) – A Qualitative Research Project Adapted From a Quantitative Study and for Virtual Working in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Lessons Leer más
Caso de Estudio
González-Uribe, Catalina, Yañez N, Onshuus A, Velasco N, Cordovez J, Santos-Vega, Mauricio , Niño N, Burbano A, Forbes A, Amaya Ciro, Turner S, Higuera D, Martinez S. (2022) – A mixed-methods study on the design of Artificial Intelligence and data science-based strategies to inform public health responses to COVID-19 in different local health ecosystems: A study protocol for COLEV – F1000 research (ISSN 2046-1402). Leer más
Turner S.(2022). – Academy of Management Annual conference: “We are all Vulnerable, we are all Fragile”: COVID-19 and Health Service Resilience in Colombia.
Turner S.(2022). – European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Annual conference: “We are all Vulnerable, we are all Fragile”: COVID-19 and Health Service Resilience in Colombia.
Turner S.(2022). – Implementation Science Quarterly Policy Series: «Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with health policy D&I strategies”
Turner S. (2022) – Multi-level antecedents of public sector innovation: an ethnography of a large UK postal services organisation – Journal of Management and Organization (ISSN 1833-3672).
Turner S.(2022). – Society of Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual conference: “We are all Vulnerable, we are all Fragile”: COVID-19 and Health Service Resilience in Colombia,
Turner S.(2022). – Studying the implementation of health system change: UK and Colombia experiences, invited presentation to Executive MBA programme, School of Management, University of los Andes, 27 August 2022.
Turner S.(2022). – invited talk to doctoral students celebrating 15 years of the doctoral programme: «Learning in doing? The social anthropology of navigating a research career and participating in an academic community”
Turner S. (2022) – “We are all vulnerable, we are all fragile”: COVID-19 as opportunity for, or constraint on, health service resilience in Colombia? – Public Management Review (ISSN 1471-9037). Leer más
Turner S.(2021). – Academy of Management Annual conference (online): “Health system responses to COVID-19: a multi-level systematic review of primary qualitative studies” Leer más
Turner S.(2021). – Agora research seminar,: “Qualitative analysis of the coordination of major system change within the Colombian health system in response to COVID-19”
Turner S.(2021). – Coloquio Salud Pública y Epidemiología, School of Medicine: “Health system responses to COVID-19: a multi-level systematic review of primary qualitative studies”
Turner S, D´Lima D, Sheringham J, Swart N, Hudson E, Fulop N. (2021) – Evidence use as sociomaterial practice? A qualitative study of decision-making on introducing service innovations in health care – Public Management Review (ISSN 1471-9037). Leer más
Turner S.(2021). – Global Business School Network (GBSN) Beyond: “Panel discussion: collaborations for healthcare leadership”
Turner S. – Guía interactiva: Análisis de la Coordinación de un Cambio Sistémico Significativo en el Sistema de Salud Colombiano como Respuesta al COVID-19 Leer más
Turner S, Segura C, Nino N. (2021) – Implementing COVID-19 surveillance through inter-organizational coordination: a qualitative study of three cities in Colombia – Health Policy and Planning (ISSN 0268-1080).
Turner S, Ulloa A, Valencia V, Niño N. (2021) – Learning from history or reacting to events? Colombia’s navigation of major system change in response to COVID-19 – Organising Care in a Time of Covid-19 Implications for Leadership, Governance and Policy (ISBN 978-3-030-82696-3). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Turner S.(2021). – Minciencias funded studies on COVID-19: Qualitative analysis of the coordination of major system change within the Colombian health system in response to COVID-19, end-of-study.
Turner S, Niño N, Segura C, Botero N. (2021) – Organisational responses to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: a qualitative case study from Bogotá, Colombia – BMC Health Services Research (ISSN 1472-6963). Leer más
Turner S. (2021) – Respuesta interorganizacional al Covid – Portafolio (ISSN 0123-6326). Leer más
Columna de Opinión
Turner S, Botero N, Herrera M, Borda J, Francisco F, Ramírez J, Maldonado L. (2021) – Systematic review of experiences and perceptions of key actors and organisations at multiple levels within health systems internationally in responding to COVID-19 – Implementation science (ISSN 17485908). Leer más
Turner S, Ulloa A, Niño N, Valencia V. (2021) – The Role of Intersectoral Action in Response to COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of the Roles of Academia and the Private Sector in Colombia – International Journal of Health Policy and Management (ISSN 23225939). Leer más
Turner S. (2021) – The corporatisation of healthcare organisations internationally: a scoping review of processes, impacts, and mediators – Public Administration (ISSN 1467-9299).
Turner S.(2021). – Work in times of COVID-19: impact, wellbeing and future of work in our faculty, invited half-day workshop, School of Management.
Turner S.(2021). – “Top tips on applying for research grants”, invited presentation to doctoral students, Vice presidency of research office, University of los Andes.
Turner S.(2020). – Academy of Management Annual conference (online): The corporatization of healthcare organizations internationally: a scoping review of processes, impacts and mediators
Turner S. (2020) – Covid-19: aprendizajes y desafíos para el sector de la salud, Portafolio – Portafolio (ISSN 0123-6326). Leer más
Columna de Opinión
Turner S. (2020) – Guiando el cambio del sistema de salud en respuesta al COVID-19 – El Espectador (ISSN 0122-2856). Leer más
Columna de Opinión
Wright J, Turner S. (2020) – Integrated Care and the ‘Agentification’ of the English National Health Service – Social Policy and Administration (ISSN 0144-5596). Leer más
Turner S. (2020) – La información: un arma de doble filo ante el COVID-19, El Pais de Cali Leer más
Columna de Opinión
Grieco L, Melnychuk M, Ramsay A, Baim-lance A, Turner S, Wilshere A, Fulop N, Morris S, Utley M. (2020) – Operational analysis of school-based delivery models to vaccinate children against influenza – Health Systems (ISSN 20476973). Leer más
Turner S, Nino N. (2020) – Qualitative analysis of the coordination of major system change within the Colombian health system in response to COVID-19: study protocol – Implementation Science Communications (ISSN 2662-2211). Leer más
Turner S, Wright J. (2020) – Sharing stories or co-constructing practice? Challenges to undertaking and researching innovation using evidence from the English NHS – Decentring Health and Care Networks (ISBN 978-3-030-40889-3). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Turner S. (2020) – The corporatization of healthcare organisations internationally: a scoping review of processes, impacts, and mediators – Public Administration (ISSN 1467-9299). Leer más
Turner S.(2019). – «Approaching major system change to health services in Colombia: a systematic scoping review», paper presented at Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics regional meeting, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 20 November.
Turner S. (2019) – Decisions in health Care to Introduce or Diffuse innovations using Evidence (DECIDE). Final report for The Health Foundation.
Turner S. (2019) – Evaluation of reconfigurations of acute stroke services in different regions of England and lessons for implementation: a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – Impact and sustainability of centralising acute stroke services in English metropolitan areas: retrospective analysis of hospital episode statistics and stroke national audit data – British Medical Journal (ISSN 0959-8146). Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – Mixed methods evaluation of a hospital group model using an embedded research approach: study protocol – BMJ OPEN (ISSN 2044-6055). Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – System wide collaboration? Health and social care leaders’ perspectives on working across boundaries – Journal of Integrated Care (). Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – The role of organizational and professional cultures in medication safety: a scoping review of the literature – The International Journal for Quality in Health Care (ISSN 1353-4505). Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – The role of regulation in constituting markets: a co evolutionary perspective on the UK television production sector – Economia Politica: Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics (ISSN 1120-2890). Leer más
Turner S. (2019) – Translating academic research into guidance to support healthcare improvement: how should guidance development be reported? – BMC Health Services Research (ISSN 1472-6963).
Turner S.(2018). – 32nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: ‘Adopting and diffusing innovation in healthcare: A multi-level qualitative exploration of the influence of evidence’
Turner S. (2018) – Accelerating innovation in new ways of delivering health and social care’, Manchester Policy Blog Leer más
Turner S. (2018) – Analysing barriers to service improvement using a multi-level theory of innovation: the case of glaucoma outpatient clinics, Sociology of Health & Illness – Sociology of healt & Illnes – Wiley online Library (ISSN 1467-9566). Leer más
Turner S.(2018). – Greater Manchester Operational Delivery Network Board Meeting: ‘Using evidence for innovations: the DECIDE study’
Turner S.(2018). – North West Academic Health Science Network: ‘Developing the DECIDE guide on using evidence for innovation’
Turner S.(2018). – Organisational Behaviour in Health Care conference: ‘Reconsidering the role of evidence in diffusion of innovations: qualitative study of decision-making on innovation in the UK National Health Service’
Turner S. (2018) – Patient experience of centralized acute stroke care pathways – Sociology of healt & Illnes – Wiley online Library (ISSN 1467-9566).
Turner S. (2018) – Patient, carer and public involvement in major system change in acute stroke services: The construction of value – Sociology of healt & Illnes – Wiley online Library (ISSN 1467-9566).
Turner S.(2018). – School of Management, University of Los Andes: «Socio-material translations of evidence? Decision-making on introducing innovations within the UK National Health Service»
Turner S. (2018) – The potential role of cost-utility analysis in the decision to implement major system change in acute stroke services in metropolitan areas in England – Health Research Policy and Systems (ISSN 1478-4505).
Turner S.(2018). – Using evidence for innovations: the DECIDE study’, presentation to Trust Management Board, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation
Turner S.(2018). – ‘Using evidence for innovations: DECIDE end of study workshop’, The Health Foundation
Turner S. (2017) – Evidence use in decision-making on introducing innovations: a systematic scoping review with stakeholder feedback – Implementation science (ISSN 17485908). Leer más
Turner S. (2017) – Impact and experiences of delayed discharge: A mixed studies systematic review, Health Expectations, – pubmed (ISSN 1539-3704). Leer más
Turner S. (2017) – Improving the production of applied health research findings: insights from a qualitative study of operational research – Implementation science (ISSN 17485908).
Turner S. (2017) – Mixed methods evaluation of the Getting it Right First Time programme – improvements to NHS orthopaedic care in England: study protocol – BMC Health Services Research (ISSN 1472-6963).
Turner S. (2017) – School-based vaccination programmes: a systematic review of the evidence on organisation and delivery in high income countries – BMC Public Health (ISSN 1471-2458).
Turner S. (2016) – Explaining outcomes in major system change: a qualitative study of implementing centralised acute stroke services in two large metropolitan regions in England – Implementation science (ISSN 17485908). Leer más
Turner S. (2016) – Lessons for major system change: stroke service centralization in two metropolitan areas of England, – International Journal of Health Services (ISSN 0020-7314). Leer más
Turner S. (2016) – Major system change: a management and organisational research perspective. In Raine R et al. Challenges, solutions and future directions in the evaluation of service innovations in health care and public health. – International Journal of Health Services (ISSN 0020-7314).
Turner S. (2016) – Recalling communities of practice – International Journal of Health Services (ISSN 0020-7314).
Turner S. (2016) – Study protocol: DEcisions in health Care to Introduce or Diffuse innovations using Evidence (DECIDE), Implementation Science – Implementation science (ISSN 17485908). Leer más
Turner S. (2015) – Effects of Centralizing Acute Stroke Services on Stroke Care Provision in Two Large Metropolitan Areas in England. – pubmed (ISSN 1539-3704). Leer más
Turner S. (2014) – Impact of centralising acute stroke services in English metropolitan areas on mortality and length of hospital stay: difference-in-differences analysis – BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (ISSN 0959-535X).
Turner S. (2014) – Codifying knowledge to improve patient safety: a qualitative study of practice-based interventions, – pubmed (ISSN 1539-3704).
Turner S. (2014) – Evaluating an innovative approach to the diagnostic processes for chronic eye disease: a feasibility studyEvaluating an innovative approach to the diagnostic processes for chronic eye disease: a feasibility study Leer más
Turner S. (2014) – Improving care and increasing efficiency-challenges in the care of chronic eye diseases, Leer más
Turner S. (2014) – The evaluation of the Haringey Welfare Hubs. Preliminary Report for Haringey Council,
Turner S. (2013) – Absorptive capacity: the role of communities of practice,
Turner S. (2013) – Governing patient safety: lessons learned from a mixed methods evaluation of implementing a ward-level medication safety scorecard in two English – BMJ (). Leer más
Turner S. (2013) – Recent evidence on the changing mix of providers of healthcare in England – Healthcare Administration (ISBN 9781466663404). Leer más
Capítulo de Libro
Turner S. (2012) – Competition and public service broadcasting: stimulating creativity or servicing capital? – Journal of Socio-Economics (ISSN 1053-5357).
Turner S. (2012) – ‘Using a scorecard to improve safety Leer más
Turner S. (2012) – Provider diversity in the English NHS: a study of recent developments in four health economies
Turner S. (2012) – The role of professional communities in governing patient safety – International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601).
Turner S. (2011) – New forms of provider in the English National Health Service, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics – Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (ISSN 1467-8292).
Turner S. (2011) – Healthcare providers in the English National Health Service: public, private or hybrids? – Journal of Health Economics (ISSN 0167-6296). Leer más
Turner S. (2011) – Innovation and the English National Health Service – pubmed (ISSN 1539-3704). Leer más
Turner S. (2011) – Provider Diversity in the NHS: Impact on Quality and Innovation, Final report for NIHR Health Reforms Evaluation Program, England Leer más
Turner S. (2010) – Competition and public service broadcasting: stimulating creativity or servicing capital?
Turner S. (2010) – Networks of learning within the English wine industry – Journal of Economic Geography (ISSN 1468-2702).
Turner S. (2009) – Book review ‘Applied Evolutionary Economics and Economic Geography Leer más
Turner S. (2009) – Networks of learning within the English wine industry: communitarian, distanciated, organisational, and redundant,
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Proyecto de Investigación
Nombre del proyecto: Análisis de la coordinación de un cambio sistémico significativo en el sistema de salud colombiano como respuesta al COVID-19.
Año: 2020
Financiador principal: MINCIENCIAS – COVID 19 SIMON
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Bogotá – Colombia
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018000 123 300
Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia
Código postal: 111711
(57 601) 332 4144
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Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad:
Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica:
Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.
© – Derechos Reservados Universidad de los Andes